Chapter 6 : Channel Tab
Channel is the next tab listed. Tap it so it opens up. Here you are able to name the channel, give it some color and add an icon,
too! Additionally, this is where to re-run the Microphone/Channel Setup wizard – if the setup assistant was bypassed – and add
If you are working in enhanced or pro mode, though, a whole slew of other things are offered, including advanced setup,
EQ, gate, compressor, de-esser and more.
Channel Tab EASY Mode – pages 29-30
Channel Tab ENHANCED Mode – pages 29-34
Channel Tab PRO Mode – pages 29-30, 34-46
Some of the channel tab setup features look and work similarly between all three modes. Those will only be explained once.
In fact, the first view displayed below may be seen in all three modes.
Channel ID Button [Easy • Enhanced • Pro]
Each channel ID button name, image, color and preset is user-editable. The channel tab is already open, so just tap a channel
button to get started. We will start with channel 1.
Presets [Easy • Enhanced • Pro]
Presets save parameters and may be recalled as needed. DLZ Creator comes with a library
of factory presets.
There are also user presets. These may be created for each preset type.
An entire chapter is dedicated to presets. This includes detailed instructions and multiple
screenshots every step of the way. Please check it out on pages 76-79.
Channel Icon / Color [Easy • Enhanced • Pro]
Let’s spice up the channel with an icon and color! Tap “Channel Icon / Color” to reveal a new popover as seen below.
Look at the multitude of built-in icons and colors
at your disposal!
From here, tap the icon and color you would like
for each channel. Here we chose a general “person”
icon who is the host of the show. His favorite color
is purple, so I chose it for this example.
After making the selections, the channel is updated
immediately, but there is one more thing we can add
to the channel... a name!