• Playback Mode –
There are five different playback modes to choose from, with ‘Play / Stop’ as the default...
but it may be changed. Listed below are the five playback modes and their playback behaviors:
• Play / Pause –
Play / Pause plays the sample from start to finish. However, the sample may be paused
by pressing the sample button again. If the sample button is pressed a third time, the sample will continue
to play from the paused point. The sample may be played and paused until the end of the sample is reached.
• Play / Stop –
Play / Stop also plays the sample from start to finish. The sample may be stopped early
by pressing the sample button again. If pressed again, though, it will restart the sample from the beginning.
• Retrigger –
Retrigger is similar to Play / Stop as it also plays the sample from start to finish.
In fact, it will do so if you allow it. However, you didn’t set this up as a Play / Stop. It’s a Retrigger!
With Retrigger, you’re supposed to tap the sample button again. This ends the currently playing sample
and starts the sample playback from the beginning.
• Looping –
Like Play / Stop, Looping also plays the sample from start to finish. However, once the sample
has finished playing, it will “loop back” to the beginning and play the sample again repeatedly until
the sample button is pressed again.
• Bleep –
If Bleep is the selected playback mode, the sample pad acts as a momentary switch, only playing
the sample when the button is tapped and held down. The sample will stop playback once the button
has been released.
If ‘Bleep’ is the selected playback mode for a sample pad, it will override all other sources so that only
the sample is heard. If the sample plays to the end, it will “loop back” to the beginning and play the sample
again repeatedly until the sample button is released.
As you might expect, only one playback mode may be selected per sample pad (although it would be quite odd
to have more than one!).
Regardless of the playback mode(s) chosen:
The sample buttons will illuminate brighter – in their selected colors – during playback.
All six sample buttons are on their own chain. What this means is that multiple samples may be played
• Clear Sample –
This is your basic “delete” function. Do you not like the sample? Ready to make an update, a change
or something else? Tap ‘Clear Sample’ to “unassign” the file from the sample pad and return it to an unassigned state.
Clear Sample
Edit Sample