Chapter 9 : Snapshots Tab
Snapshots Setup > Introduction
Not to be confused with Snapchat®, the snapshots tab reveals the snapshots. This (along with the addition of the current state)
makes up the DLZ Creator’s file system. Before diving directly in, let’s do a quick overview of the file system.
Snapshots save every parameter associated with its operation with the exception of the hardware: power switch, quick control
knobs, fader levels, and solo and mute. The current state of all parameters is constantly stored so the console powers on in
the same state as when it was turned off, just like an analog console. Please note that it will default to the overview tab when
powered back up, even if turned off with a different tab open.
The file system consists of the following:
(1) Current State —
When DLZ Creator is turned on, it wakes in the state that it was in when it was powered off,
but on the overview tab.
(2) Snapshots —
A snapshot is just that: a “photograph” of the current state of the DLZ Creator.
As just mentioned, a snapshot is just that: a “photograph” of the current state of the DLZ Creator. So why would you create
snapshots? For one example, the previously mentioned Ramones fanatics who run their own podcast may have different
snapshots depending on if it’s all talk or if they’re also playing Ramones tunes back to the listening enthusiasts. So snapshots
may be created for in-between song banter. Or snapshots could be created with and without FX. The possibilities are unlimited!
The following is a list of features that are stored in a snapshot:
• Input channel settings
• FX channel settings
• Main LR channel settings
• Channel ID
The following is a list of features that may not be snapshot:
• Solo
• Mute
• Board (Fader) Settings
• Recording / Playback
Ok, that’s what they are, but how do you create them?
Restore Default Settings