Press the ‘index finger’ icon in order to see what files are on the selected drive followed by tapping the desired file
so it is highlighted. All icons on the top row are no longer greyed out and are now available for selection... and action!
We will describe each icon from left to right.
• First up is the arrow pointing upwards. Simply put, tapping this icon returns you to the previous screen.
• Next up is the ‘index finger’ icon. We have already tapped it on the previous page. After a drive, file or folder
is highlighted, tapping this icon selects (or opens) it.
• Now we’re swinging over to the upper-right side – or Upper East Side for our friends in New York! – of the media tab.
When the A-Z icon is visible, all files will be presented in alphabetical order.
When tapped, this icon turns into an hourglass... (or a timer if you’re playing a board game... hurry!). If the hourglass
icon is present, then the files are arranged in order of creation with the oldest file (i.e. the oldest recording) at the top.
Most importantly, never forget: “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.”
• A pen is forever, but mistakes and updates can be made with a pencil and eraser!
That is why we went with the pencil and eraser icon... to make edits!
Tapping this icon brings up the keyboard. Type in the name you would rather have for the selected file/recording
followed by tapping “Enter”. The name is limited to 36 characters.
• The final icon on the top row of the media tab is an image of a trash can. If you thought that tapping this icon would
result in Oscar the Grouch® from Sesame Street® popping his head out, you’d be correct! Oh, how I wish... how cool
would that be?! In reality, tapping this icon results in deleting the selected file/recording. This is a permanent deletion
with no undo, so a confirmation dialog helps prevent accidents.
The fourth sentence on the previous page states, “Additionally, recordings that were made are stored here within
the ‘DLZ_Creator_Recordings\’ folder and are available for playback.” Flip the page to find out how!
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