Channel Setup > Gate Introduction [Pro]
Gates are typically used to reduce leakage from open microphones. Signals below the threshold level are muted, while signals
above the threshold get to pass through. The range control changes the rule slightly. Signals below the threshold are attenuated
by the amount of the range setting, while signals above the threshold get to pass through.
The operation of the gate is further modified by the attack, hold, and release controls. In order to open the gate, the input signal
must exceed the threshold for at least the duration of the attack time. This is useful for helping the gate discriminate between
something that is short duration and long duration.
Once the gate has opened, the hold time begins. The hold timer resets any time the input signal crosses the threshold
again, as long as it remains above the threshold for longer than the attack setting. After the hold time passes, the gain falls
at a rate determined by the release setting. The range control allows the gate to remain partly open, even if the input is below
the threshold.
Channel Setup > Gate On / Off [Pro]
Tap the Gate button to turn the gate on or off. It will illuminate cyan when engaged and is gray when disengaged.
Channel Setup > Gate Presets [Pro]
Presets save parameters and may be recalled as needed. DLZ Creator comes with a library of factory presets.
There are also user presets. These may be created for each preset type.
An entire chapter is dedicated to presets. This includes detailed instructions and multiple screenshots every step of the way.
Please check it out on pages 76-79.