Simply tap “Preset” to reveal a popover (with a channel input preset seen below). The popover displays a list of factory
presets to choose from, as well as the opportunity to...
• load the preset
• save the preset
• rename the preset and/or
• delete the preset
Tap a preset so it is highlighted or... if you do not see it listed, scroll the presets up and down to view the other choices.
Let’s take a look at each of the choices from left to right, starting with ‘Load’.
Load —
Pressing the load button recalls presets. Upon load, all appropriate console parameters change to match
the stored preset. After tapping the load button, you’ll hear the changes immediately and may notice the changes
to the Channel ID and DSP settings, as well.
Save —
The save preset button stores the current state of the processing into a new user preset OR... it will
save over the currently selected preset if one has been selected. Be careful NOT to do this... or do it only if so intended.
After tapping ‘Save’ you will be asked to name the preset.
The name of the preset is the name of the preset, not the channel input, master output, etc.
Rename —
When the rename button is pressed, use the onscreen keyboard to name (or rename) the currently selected
item. Simply type a name in the box and tap the “enter” key when finished. Preset names are limited to 36 characters.
This includes letters, numbers and special characters. The text will remain green until the limit is reached, in which
case the text will quick-flash red indicating that you have hit the limit.
Delete —
The delete button deletes the currently selected preset. This is a permanent deletion with no undo,
so a confirmation dialog helps prevent accidents.