The third and final mix mode is quick mix! We tapped the headphone 3 output for this example. Tapping quick mix mode sets
the “fader balls” at center position where they may be raised (boosted) or lowered (attenuated) based upon the fader position
and relative level of the DLZ Creator. Simply tap-and-drag a “fader ball” up and down until that channel’s level is where you
want it. Like the custom mix, the quick mix also offers a completely independent mix of each input channel with headphone
output volume control using the quick control knob associated with it. Also like the custom mix, people may mute channels
that they don’t want to hear in their mix.
There is no fourth mix mode. However, there is a toggle switch option to ‘Send to USB 3-4’
(which has been an option on the three previous examples, as well). This routes THIS mix
to USB 3/4 for streaming (the USB 3/4 SEND). Here is what this means: DLZ Creator is a
14x4 USB interface (14 channels to the computer and four channels returned from the com-
puter – USB 1/2 and USB 3/4 (the USB 1/2 and USB 3/4 RETURNS)).
When this switch is engaged (switch right, illuminates green), it sends this headphone
mix out USB sends 3-4 on DLZ Creator going to the computer. It essentially “takes over”
whatever is connected to input channels 3-4.
This is a great way to capture a “backup” to the DAW while streaming the main to OBS
[Open Broadcaster Software], for one example. Or perhaps you prefer to send different
mixes to two different streaming platforms (audio only)? This is the way!
The switch is gray when disengaged (switch left).
Once one output mix has been routed to USB 3/4 this option will be grayed
out and unavailable for selection on the other output mixes.
Regardless of the headphone output or mix mode selected, each headphone output may
be color-coordinated to go with today’s outfit. When the headphone output is tapped and
mix mode appears, a default color is presented. If you would prefer a different color, tap the
swatch to unveil a color palette laid out horizontally. Simply tap the color you would
like for the selected headphone output and the quick control knob and headphones/mix level display will change to represent
the chosen color.
Coming back to the ‘Overview’ tab for one last thing... notice the sample “circles” laid out vertically between the settings
tab and the sample banks switcher in the screenshot to the left; a quick DOUBLE-tap takes you directly to that sample’s
page so changes may be made on-the-fly! Check out more information about samples in Chapter 10, pages 58-64.