Chapter 12 : Presets
Presets > Introduction
Presets save parameters on individual input or output channels and on particular DSP blocks such as EQ, dynamics,
FX, etc. For example, a favorite microphone EQ setting may be saved as a preset and recalled as needed.
DLZ Creator comes with a library of factory presets. A maximum number of factory presets will be displayed at one time.
Just scroll up and down to view the other factory presets, if available. There are also user presets. These may be created
for each preset type. The number of user presets available is limited only by the available space on the DLZ Creator.
Presets are generally set ahead of time, not as an event is taking place. Presets are stored on the DLZ Creator.
The following preset types are available:
• Input channel
• Output channel
• EQ
• Gate
• Compressor
• FX
The first thing we will do is take a look at factory presets vs user presets. From there, channel presets and DSP presets
may be selected [factory] or created [user].
Factory Presets vs User Presets
There are factory presets and user presets on all channel and DSP settings that may be set ahead of time. Feel free
to start with a factory preset, manipulate to your liking, then save as a user preset. We will start with what each one
looks like and how they work. The next section will discuss the differences between channel presets and DSP presets.
While we do hope you keep the factory presets as-is, they may be replaced, renamed, deleted... or loaded. If it is loaded,
it remains a factory preset. Anything else is considered a user preset.
As you may see, a wide variety of factory presets are available to choose from. These are graced with a name of said
factory preset. Simply tap the preferred preset and load. This will update the current selection. For example, selecting
“Broadcast” from the list will update the EQ, gate, compressor and de-esser settings to standard broadcast mic settings.
It’s certainly easier to make updates from a factory preset versus updating parameters from a zeroed out board!
Factory and user preset names are user-editable. At the bottom of the preset list is a button labeled “Save”.
Tapping this button reveals a keyboard. Simply type in a name you would like to call this preset followed
by tapping the ‘Enter’ key. This saves the new preset. This is similar to a “Store” button on other consoles.
Turn the page to reveal what the other three choices are and how they work.