Channel Setup > Advanced Controls [Enhanced]
We saw the Enhanced Mode Channel Setup screen on the previous two pages, but there is another tab just to the right of it:
Advanced Controls.
Tap it to reveal a screen similar to what is displayed below.
Just like with the setup screen, there are also three separate “boxes” in advanced controls, as well (outlined above).
#1 – The first “box” contains the input level slider (which ranges from 0 to +80 dB) and corresponding meter level,
as well as a high-pass filter (HPF) on/off switch. Now, the input level should be fine – or at least very close – since
we “set the level” automatically a couple of pages back. This is simply your chance to fine-tune the input level. The input
level may be changed by either (1) rotating the quick control knob associated with it or (2) tapping-and-dragging the slider
left and right until the desired level has been achieved.
Located underneath the input level slider and corresponding meter level lies the HPF on/off switch. High-pass
filters are utilized to cut out low frequencies. The high-pass filter control adjusts the cut-off frequency for the filter.
While the pro mode expands on the HPF – we’ll get there soon – the enhanced mode simply adds this option as on
(switch right) or off (switch left). It will illuminate hot pink when engaged and is gray when disengaged.
#2 – The middle “box” contains the EQ section. The EQ may be engaged (switch right) or disengaged (switch left).
It is a 3-band EQ with bass, mid and treble. The gain may be changed by either (1) rotating the quick control knob
associated with it or (2) tapping-and-dragging these sliders up and down until the desired sound has been achieved.
Moving a slider vertically changes that frequency’s gain by up to ±15 dB. Tapping an EQ ball twice quickly will set it at 0 dB.
It will illuminate blue when engaged and is gray when disengaged.
You can really upset things with too much EQ. Each EQ band has a lot of boost and cut because
that is needed on occasion. But if the EQ is maxed on every channel, the mix turns to mush.
Equalize subtly, using cut as well as boost. If you find yourself repeatedly using a lot of boost or cut,
consider altering the sound source such as placing a mic differently, trying a different kind of mic,
a different broadcaster, gargling, or all of the above.
The default frequency for each band is as follows:
Bass: 200 Hz
Mid: 1 kHz
Treble: 5 kHz
However, while these may be the default settings, the EQ may have been changed in pro mode
and/or a preset may have been loaded, which will also alter the EQ settings.
Advanced Controls in ENHANCED mode