The tabs on the navigation bar will now be hidden, preventing any unwarranted changes.
To re-introduce the tabs to the navigation bar, tap the key icon and enter the four character passcode.
Be sure to remember the passcode! If you forget, you will not be able to access these controls ever again!
Read that sentence again... Ok, fine, you got us, there is a secret squirrel workaround. Press and hold
the Home and AutoMix buttons down until the mixer unlocks (which is roughly ~10 seconds).
Settings > System > Brightness
The brightness levels of (almost) all LEDs may be adjusted by (1) rotating one of the three quick control knobs associated
with it (noticing how the base of the quick control knobs match the color of each brightness level slider) or (2) moving
the sliders left and right via tap-and-drag. The brightness of all buttons and the display may be changed. However,
the Home, Rec and AutoMix buttons will always remain at 100% brightness.
Screen Brightness —
This sets the overall brightness level of the main display, ranging from 0% to 100% [default 100%].
Lit Button Brightness —
This sets the overall brightness level of the lit buttons, ranging from 0% to 100% [default 80%].
The lit buttons are the six sample pads.
Dim Button Brightness —
This sets the overall brightness level of the dim buttons, ranging from 0% to 100% [default 25%].
The dim buttons include the mute and solo buttons.
Did you set any – or all? – of the button brightness settings to 0% and still see something?
We haven’t released the braille version of DLZ Creator yet, so we still need “some” light
to get through. Thanks for understanding!