The trim may be changed by either (1) rotating the quick control knob associated with it or (2) tapping-and-
dragging the slider left and right until the desired trim level has been achieved. The horizontal meter underneath
the slider will assist; simply continue to add signal to this channel while raising or lowering the trim. The dual
green horizontal lines mark the spot you’re aiming for. Tapping the trim slider ball twice quickly will set it back
to its default of –10 dB. The slider will illuminate blue when any trim is added.
Also of note is the addition of a Mix-Minus switch. When on – switch to the right – the mix-minus switch
will be blue (and is grayed out when turned off). What mix-minus accomplishes is that DLZ Creator will send
the sources a copy of the main mix minus themselves. This helps prevent feedback and/or stereo return echoes.
Additionally, as a Bluetooth source, channels 9/10 work similarly in that it could be a caller from the outside
for a podcast interview, for example. It removes the caller’s voice from the call, yet allows them to hear
the remaining channels (including the samples).
#3 – The third and last “box” is about two things...
(1) Setting the L/R pan (channels 1-4) and balance (channels 5-12 + main L/R) levels
and (2) setting the reverb and delay send levels (all input channels).
Pan allows you to adjust how much of the channel is sent to the left versus the right outputs.
The pan control employs a design called “Constant Loudness.” If a channel is panned hard left
(or right) and then panned to the center, the signal is attenuated 3 dB to maintain the same apparent
loudness. Otherwise, the sound would appear much louder when panned center.
Like pan, balance also allows you to adjust how much of the channel is sent to the left versus the right
outputs. The only difference is that channels 1-4 are mono (and are therefore panned), while channels
5/6, 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12 are all stereo (and are therefore panned via the balance slider).
The pan and balance sliders may be changed by either (1) rotating the quick control knob associated
with it or (2) tapping-and-dragging the slider left and right until the desired pan or balance level
has been achieved. Tapping the pan or balance slider ball twice quickly will set it back to its center
[the default]. The slider will illuminate yellow when the pan or balance is not at center.
Whereas there is no reverb or delay in easy mode, and a simple on/off switch in enhanced mode,
pro mode unleashes reverb and send levels ranging from –inf (off) to a max of +10 dB. The reverb
and delay send sliders may be changed by either (1) rotating the quick control knob associated
with it or (2) tapping-and-dragging the slider left and right until the desired reverb or delay send
level has been achieved. The sliders will illuminate purple (reverb) and blue (delay) when above -inf.
Something else to notice is that channels with reverb and/or delay added, it will also show up on that channel’s
ID as seen below (along with the 48V phantom power lightning bolt icon, when engaged).
48V Phantom Power