POWER CORE User Manual
Version: V6.0.0/5
20. Maintenance
20.2.1 The System Menu
There are eight informational tabs in the System menu. Most of these tabs are status displays for Ruby / Power
Core and its peripherals. Values which can be modified will be noted below.
Information Tab
tab is the first tab shown after information is loaded. It displays basic data such as the unit’s
Serial Number, software / firmware version numbers, and system time and date. The time and date are provided
by your network’s NTP server; if no NTP server is present, time and date are taken from the unit’s internal clock.
The identifying name and project description of your Power Core is also displayed. If the unit has not yet been
configured, this will be a default description; after configuration, these fields display the name and project
description given while using the On Air Designer configuration software.