POWER CORE User Manual
Version: V6.0.0/5
17. GPIO
Logic Inputs 1..32
These tabs configure the 32 GP inputs:
Reference name for the input. This can be any name - e.g. Red Light.
GPIs 1 to 32 will correspond to GPOs 1 to 32 within the mirroring device, providing that
the Ember+ GPIO elements on both sides have an identical Reference Name. See
Logic Outputs 1..32
These tabs configures the 32 GP outputs:
Reference name for the output.
GPOs 1 to 32 will correspond to GPIs 1 to 32 within the mirroring device, providing that
the Ember+ GPIO elements on both sides have an identical Reference Name. See
Assign an input control signal to trigger the GPO - in our example, the console's Red
Light MF Key.