Goodrive100 inverters
Keypad operation procedure
IKR Aandrijven en Besturen
Example: Set function code P00.01 from 0 to 1.
Fig 4-3 Sketch map of modifying parameters
4.2.2 How to set the password of the inverter
Goodrive100 series inverters provide password protection function to users. Set P7.00 to gain the password
and the password protection becomes valid instantly after quitting from the function code editing state.
Press PRG/ESC again to the function code editing state, “” will be displayed. Unless using the
correct password, the operators cannot enter it.
Set P7.00 to 0 to cancel password protection function.
The password protection becomes effective instantly after retreating form the function code editing state.
Press PRG/ESC again to the function code editing state, “” will be displayed. Unless using the
correct password, the operators cannot enter it.
Fig 4-4 Sketch map of password setting
4.2.3 How to watch the inverter state through function codes
Goodrive100 series inverters provide group P17 as the state inspection group. Users can enter into P17
directly to watch the state.
Fig 4-5 Sketch map of state watching
5 Function Parameters
The function parameters of Goodrive100 series inverters have been divided into 30 groups (P00~P29)
according to the function, of which P18~P28 are reserved. Each function group contains certain function