22-15: D-axis Inductance of PM Motor
Set motor D-axis inductance in increments of 0.001mH. Value is set automatically during motor tuning (22-21).
22-16: Q-axis Inductance of PM Motor
Set motor’s Q-axis inductance in increments of 0.001mH. Value is set automatically during motor tuning (22-21).
22-18: Flux-Weakening Limit
Sets the flux-weakening limit as a percentage of the motor rated current. If the motor maximum rotation speed
(22-05) is set to a value greater than the motor rated rotation speed (22-04) the AC Drive will automatically enable
flux-weakening control.
22-21: PM Motor Tuning
Sudden start: The AC Drive and motor may start unexpectedly during Auto-Tuning, which
could result in death or serious injury. Make sure the area surrounding the motor and load
are clear before proceeding with Auto-Tuning.
WARNING! Electric Shock Hazard
High voltage is applied to the motor when performing an auto-tune, even when the motor is
stopped, which could result in death or serious injury. Do not touch the motor before
auto-tuning procedure is completed.
WARNING! Holding Brake
Do not perform an auto-tuning procedure when the motor is connected to a brake. This may
result in incorrect motor data calculation. Disconnect the motor and the load and confirm
that the motor can freely run.
(1) Set parameter 00-00=5, and select tuning mode with parameter 22-21.
(2) Next press the enter key to go to the PM motor tuning screen. The keypad will display "IPrdy" (Ready to Tune).
(3) Press run key to start the PM motor tuning. The keypad will display “IPtun" during auto-tune.
(4) If the motor tuning is successful, "IPEnd " will be displayed. If auto-tune is aborted using the stop key, the operator
displays " IPbrd " (PM motor tuning aborted).
Once an auto-tune is performed successfully it is not required to perform motor tuning again when powering up the
AC Drive.
22-22: PM motor tuning fault
If auto-tuning fails, the keypad will display “AtErr”. Parameter 22-22 is a read only parameter that stores the error
code from a failed permanent magnet motor auto-tune.
22-23: PM SLV acceleration time
PM SLV acceleration time is the acceleration time used to go from static to I/F Mode Start Frequency Switching Point
In case of an error or vibration in PMSLV mode, increase or decrease acceleration time.
22-25: Initial position detection of PM motor
Use in PMSLV control mode only. When 22-25=1, the AC Drive will automatically detect the initial position of motor
rotor while the motor is running to prevent the motor from running in the opposite direction.
When 22-25=0, detection function is disabled, AC Drive will not perform any detection while the motor is running.