Static auto-tuning (17-00=1)
Motor does not rotate during auto-tuning. This tuning method causes lower torque at low speed.
Stator resistance measurement (17-00=2)
Stator resistance non-rotational auto-tune (V/F mode only). Use when motor leads are longer than 165ft (50m).
Loop tuning (17-00=4)
Performance improvement (speed and torque regulation) in vector control mode. Useful for PID applications.
Rotational Auto-tuning Combination (17-00=5) *Recommended Method*
This tuning mode is a combination of three auto-tuning modes, Loop tuning (17-00=4), Stator resistance tuning
(17-00=2) and Rotational auto-tuning (17-00=0). This method will produce the most accurate tune. Motor must be
uncoupled from load before performing Rotational Auto-tuning Combination.
: Uncouple motor from load and ensure rotor is free to rotate before performing rotational auto-tune.
Static Auto-tune Combination (17-00=6)
This tuning mode is a combination of three auto-tuning modes, Loop tuning (17-00=4), Stator resistance
measurement (17-00=2) and Static auto-tuning (17-00=1). This method is slightly less accurate than Rotational Auto-
tuning Combination and may lack adequate low speed control or the motor may respond erratically when tune is
finished. This method does not require uncoupling the motor from the load as rotor will not turn during tuning. If
tuning results are ineffective, uncouple load from motor and run 17-00=5 “Rotational Auto-tuning Combination”.
Motor rated output power (17-01)
Set motor power rating based on the motor nameplate, input range depends on the AC Drive rating (13-00).
The default value of this parameter will be changed by different capacities of AC Drive. It is recommended that
HD/ND mode (00-27) be selected first before motor performs auto-tuning.
Motor rated current (17-02)
(1) Set motor FLA based on the motor nameplate, input range depends on the AC Drive rating (13-00).
(2) In V/F mode, range is 10–120 % of the AC Drive rated current.
(3) In SLV mode, range is 25–120% of the AC Drive rated current.
The default value of this parameter will be changed by different capacities of AC Drive. It is recommended that
HD/ND mode (00-27) be selected first before performing auto-tuning.
Motor rated voltage (17-03)
Set motor voltage based on the motor nameplate. If motor rated voltage is higher than AC Drive input voltage, seek
technical support guidance.
Motor rated frequency (17-04)
Set motor base frequency based on the motor nameplate.
Motor rated speed (17-05)
Set motor base speed frequency based on the motor nameplate.
The default value of this parameter will be changed by different capacities of AC Drive. It is recommended that
HD/ND mode (00-27) be selected first before motor performs auto-tuning.
Number of poles (17-06)
Set number of motor poles, range is 2–16 poles.
Motor no-load voltage (17-08)
Do not adjust without technical support guidance.
Motor excitation current (17-09)
Do not adjust without technical support guidance.
Automatic Tuning Error History (17-11)
(1) If auto-tuning fails, the keypad will display the AtErr" message and the error cause is shown in parameter 17-11.
(2) Refer to Chapter 10 for error troubleshooting and possible causes.
(3) Error history only saves error from the last auto-tune. History will not show an error when auto-tune is aborted or if
last auto-tune was successful.