Chapter 4 Basic operations
Playing back cues
To play back the cues you created in Lesson 3, follow these steps:
Press [Stage] to display Stage mode.
Press [Cue] to indicate that you want to select a cue.
Enter the cue number you want to play back
. To play back cues you
recorded from Lesson 3, press [1] [.] [1].
Press any [Go] key
. Cue 1.1 begins. The PSC assumes that you want to
play cue 2 next.
Press [Go] to start Cue 2.
If you press [Go] before a cue finishes playing, the previous cue stops, and the
new cue begins from the levels at which the previous cue was interrupted.
If you play a cue in a fader, then play another cue in the same fader, the second
replaces the first. If you play a cue in a fader, then play another cue in a different
fader, both cues output simultaneously. Output level is determined by pile-on
convention (highest level determines output level).
Using [Group Hold] to play back multiple cues
SMPTE events can simultaneously play back multiple cues in the
PSC’s four
faders (one cue per fader). [Group Hold] allows the
PSC to play back multiple
cues so that you can see how the SMPTE event will look when it is played back.
Follow these steps to use [Group Hold]:
Press [Stage].
Press [Group Hold].
Press [Cue], then enter the desired cue number, and press [Go] for the
fader in which you want to load the cue. The cue will be loaded to the
specified fader, but will not play back.
Repeat step three for each fader to which you want to load a cue.
Press [Group Hold] again to play back all cues loaded to faders.