appendix b
error messages
Bad sector
Disk in drive has a bad sector
. If the PSC displays this message when you record
a show to disk, throw it out and use a new one
. The PSC cannot read shows
from a disk with a bad sector
. If two shows are on the disk, the PSC may be able
to read the other show.
Configurations differ - Cannot verify
The show you are trying to verify is either 1) configured with different system
settings such as numbers of channels or dimmers, or 2) it was saved from an
earlier version of ETC software or a different type of ETC control console.
Drive error
PSC cannot record to or read from disk because of a disk or drive error.
Verify that the disk is formatted and retry operation
. If error message recurs, use
a new disk.
Drive not responding
Disk drive is not working properly
. Try another disk. If error message recurs,
contact ETC.
Maintenance required
Indicates that your disk drive needs repairs
. Contact ETC for repairs.
No disk in disk drive
There is not a disk in drive, or it is improperly inserted in drive
. Insert or reinsert
. Press disk gently until disk snaps into place. Disk ejection button pops out
when disk is properly inserted.
Not used
PSC does not use this menu option number. Press any key to continue.
Contact ETC for information about options.
Printer is not ready
Your printer is not accepting data
. Verify that printer is properly installed and is
turned on. For printer installation instructions, see page 11.
Selected show not recorded
The show number you selected is not recorded on the disk in drive.