Expression Show Control System
Use the arrow keys as described below to edit macro, if necessary.
Left and right arrows
Moves highlight to left or right
Up arrow
Inserts keystroke before highlighted keystroke.
Deletes highlighted keystroke.
Macro wait
To program a pause in the macro, press [Macro wait]
. The PSC displays
Macro-wait 00:00
. You can enter time either in minutes and seconds
(00:00) or seconds and frames (00.00).
Note: Enter a decimal point between seconds and frames.
Press [Enter Macro] to save the macro.
Press another macro number, and press [Enter] to create or edit another
macro. Or, press another mode key to exit macro screen.
Hint: If you exceed the 32 command limit, link another macro to the end
by entering another macro number as the last command, and finish
entering commands in the linked macro.