Chapter 4 Basic operations
Cue 4: Linking cues
PSC lets you link cues to create a sequence that runs automatically. You can
link a string of cues, or you can create a loop to produce a chase
. You can also
link cues to macros
. For more information on linking cues to macros, see Link on
page 165.
Create and record a cue using techniques described for cues 1 through 3.
Press [Link].
Enter cue number to which you want to link current cue
. You can enter
either a cue number that exists already or one you are going to create
Press [Enter].
On the cue description line, the number of the linked cue and
This information is also added to the cue sheet.
Enter delay time in minutes and seconds (00:00) or in seconds and frames
Delay times can be from 00.01 (one frame) to 99:59 (99 minutes;
59 seconds (00:00)).
Note: Enter a decimal point between seconds and frames. (One second
equals thirty frames.)
The delay time is the length of time between the start of the first cue and
the start of the cue it is linked to
. For example, if the delay time for the link
is 10 seconds, the second cue upfade starts 10 seconds after the first cue
is executed.
PSC enters a default delay time that equals the total running time of
the first cue
. That way, the cues play back to back. The total running time
of a cue is the longer of either the upfade time or sum of the wait and
downfade times
To change the delay time for a cue that is already linked, press [Link]
twice, enter delay time, and press [Enter].
Note: If you are entering link information for existing cues, you do not have
to rerecord the cue.