Expression Show Control System
[Except] allows you to exclude a subset from active channels when you are
recording a cue or group. You can also use [Except] to exclude a subset of the
current selected channels from direct keyboard control.
For example, you may have several cues in faders, and some captured channels.
You can use [Except] to record all channels, except a subset that you indicate.
When using [Except], you can designate any recorded set of channels, such as
cues or groups, as the excepted channels. Or, you can designate specific
channels by number and [And] and [Thru].
You can also use [Except] when you are selecting dimmers on the softpatch
screen or cues on the Track Sheet.
Recording with [Except]
To record a look currently on the screen, except for a subset of the channels,
follow these steps:
Press [Rec] to indicate that you want to save the current look.
Press [Cue] or [Group] to indicate how you want to save the look.
Enter the cue or group number.
Press [Except].
Press any of the following key sequences to delete some of the channels
from the look you are recording.
Enter channel numbers. You can select groups of channels to exclude
by using [And] and [Thru].
Enter cues or groups by pressing [Cue] or [Group] and entering the cue
or group number. To enter more than one cue or group, press [And]
between numbers.
Press [Enter] to record the look.
[Rec] [Group] [5] [Except] [1] [Thru] [9] [Enter] records the current look as group
five except for channels 1 through 9.
[Rec] [Cue] [2] [3] [Except] [Group] [1] [Enter] records the current look as cue 23
except for group one levels.