Chapter 8 Reference
Diagnostic system clear
The Diagnostic system clear option erases all cues, groups, macros, and real-
time programs, and it resets all system settings to their factory default settings.
Warning: When you initiate a diagnostic system clear, all show data stored in the
Expression Show Control System is lost. Save the current show on disk if you do
not want to permanently lose it.
The Diagnostic system clear option is included on the System Settings menu.
Follow these steps to initiate the Diagnostic system clear option:
Press [Set Up].
Select 6,
System Settings
, and press [Enter].
Select 16,
Diagnostic System Clear
, and press [Enter].
Press [Enter] to initiate the diagnostic system clear.or press [Clear] to
cancel the operation.
[Set Up] [6] [1] [6] [Enter] [Enter] performs a diagnostic system clear.