Chapter 8 Reference
[Solo] lets you select a channel or a group of channels and suppress all others to
a level of zero. [Solo] is useful for selecting part of a look currently displayed on
your screen (in any mode) and recording only that portion.
You may also want to use [Solo] to isolate a subset of a live look to readjust or
refocus those channels without the other channels interfering. Follow these
steps to select a subset of channels from a display screen:
Using [Solo] in Stage
Select the channels you want to isolate.
Press [Solo]. Selected channels remain at current levels; all other channels
are suppressed to zero.
Now you can work with the selected channels live, save them as a cue or
group, or use them as you would any other set of selected channels.
To restore the full set of channels, press [Solo] again. The changes you
made are reflected on the screen and other levels are displayed.
Using [Solo] in Blind or Track Sheet
Select a subset of the current channels displayed in Blind or Track Sheet
Press [Solo]. All unselected channel levels are removed from the screen.
You can now save the selected channels as a cue or group.
Press [Solo] again to delete all remaining channel settings. Or, press [Cue]
to restore original settings.
[Stage] [Chan] [1] [Thru] [5] [Solo] removes all channels except 1 through 5 from
the Stage. [Solo] again restores the original look, leaving captured channels at
new levels.
[Blind] [Cue] [3] [Chan] [1] [Thru] [5] [Solo] removes all channels except 1 through
5 from the screen. Press [Solo] again to remove all channels from the screen.