Chapter 8
—Insert Effect Parameters
To access the Parameters described on this page (unless otherwise noted):
Press Effects
turn the Parameter knob to select Insert Effect
and press Enter
Turn the Parameter
knob to select the parameter
and use the Value knob to change the parameter's Setting
ENSONIQ MR-Rack Musician’s Manual
ight guita
ects chain that
es comp
ession, voltage-cont
olled disto
ic EQ, and a digital delay.
Comp Ratio
1.0:1 to INF:1
Sets the amount of compression. The range is based on decibels (dB)
above the threshold. If set to 4:1 for example, it will allow 1 dB increase
in output level for every 4 dB increase in input level. When set to
infinity, it acts as a limiter.
Comp Attack
50us to 10.0s
Determines the attack rate after the initial signal has been detected and
before the compression takes affect.
Comp Release
50us to 10.0s
Determines how long it takes for the compression to be fully deactivated
after the input signal drops below the threshold level. This is generally
chosen longer than the attack time.
Comp Thresh
-96.0dB to 0.0dB
Sets the threshold level. Signals that exceed this level will be
compressed, while signals that are below will be unaffected. To turn off
the compressor, set the level to +00 dB.
Comp Output
Off, -49.5dB to +48dB
This parameter boosts or cuts the compressed signal level.
Gate Thresh
-96.0dB to 0.0dB
Sets the upper threshold level at which the noise gate passes the audio.
Gate Hysteresis
0dB to 48dB
Sets the lower threshold level relative to Gate Thresh, below which the
noise gate shuts off the audio.
Dist LPF Fc
10Hz to 20.0kHz
Filters out high frequencies prior to the distortion.
Dist Offset
-99% to +99%
Adjusts the balance of even-to-odd-generated harmonics.
Dist Gain
Off, -49.5dB to +48dB
Controls the gain going into the distortion effect. This will boost the
signal level up to 48 dB. For more distortion, use a high input level gain
and turn the Distortion Gain Out down to keep the volume under control.
For less distortion, use a low gain input level and a higher output volume.
Dist Curve
Soft, Medium 1, Medium
2, Hard, Buzz
Selects the type of clipping produced by the distortion. The curves range
from tube-like distortion (Soft) to nasty distortion (Buzz).
Dist Volume
Off, -49.5dB to 0.0dB
Controls the volume of the distortion effect. Generally, if the Distortion
Gain In is set high, set this parameter lower.
Post VCF Fc
10Hz to 7.10kHz
Determines the filter cut off-frequency after the distortion. Higher values
have a brighter sound. This parameter can be used to emulate a speaker
Post VCF Q
1.0 to 40.0
Determines the level and width of the resonant peak at the filter cutoff
point. While the Post VCF Fc parameter determines where (at what-
frequency) this peak will occur, this parameter controls the
the peak.
Dist Dry Lev
Off, -49.5dB to 0.0dB
Controls the amount of dry signal to be mixed with the distorted signal.
LoShelf Gain
Off, -49.5dB to +24dB
Sets the amount of boost or cut applied to the low frequency shelf.
Mid 1 Fc
10Hz to 20.0kHz
Sets the center of the mid frequency parametric.
Mid 1 Q
1.0 to 40.0
This parameter is a bandwidth control that determines the width of the
resonant peak at the center frequency band. This parameter is equal to the
cutoff frequency divided by the bandwidth. By raising the value, you can
produce a narrower bandwidth.
Mid 1 Gain
Off, -49.5dB to +24dB
Sets the amount of boost or cut applied to this mid frequency shelf.
Mid 2 Fc
10Hz to 20.0kHz
Identical to the Mid 1 Fc parameter, and is used to control different
bandwidths within the mid range.
Mid 2 Q
1.0 to 40.0
Identical to the Mid 1 Q parameter, and is used to control different
bandwidths within the mid range.
Mid 2 Gain
Off, -49.5dB to +24dB
Identical to the Mid 1 Gain parameter, and is used to control different
bandwidths within the mid range.
HiShelf Gain
Off, -49.5dB to +24dB
Sets the amount of boost or cut applied to the high frequency shelf.
EQ Output
Off, -49.5dB to +24dB
Controls the gain coming out of the parametric EQ.
Dly1 Time
1/1 Sys to 1/32 Sys, 0ms to
Sets the amount of delay time for the first independent delay.
Dly1 Level
Off, -49.5dB to +12.0dB
Adjusts the volume of the delayed signal against the original dry signal.
Dly1 Feedback
-99% to +99%
Determines the amount of signal that will be fed from the output back
into the input, increasing the number of repeats in the delay.