Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Software Configuration Guide—Release 8.7
Chapter 20 Checking Status and Connectivity
Configuring IEEE 802.3ah Ethernet OAM
Displaying Ethernet OAM-Related Information
To display the OAM configuration and status for all OAM ports or on the specified OAM ports, perform
this task in normal mode:
This example shows how to display the OAM configuration and status for the specified ports:
Console> (enable)
show port ethernet-oam 1/1,3/5,4/6
Port State Mode Status LinkMonitor ConfigRev MaxPdu
----- -------- ------- ------------ ----------- --------- ------
enable active R-Loopback enable 11 1518
3/5 enable passive Connecting enable 38 1518
4/6 disable active Operational disable 0 1518
Port Remote Link UniDir Variable
Loopback Event retrieval
----- -------- ------- ------- ---------
1/1 Permit enable disable disable
3/5 Permit enable enable disable
4/6 Deny enable disable disable
Port ErrSymbol Period ErrSymbol Period ErrSymbol Period
Window LowThreshold HighThreshold
(millions) Count Action Count Action
----- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
1/1 625 1 None 10 Warning
3/5 65535 1 Warning 1000 ErrDisable
4/6 1 1 None 1 ErrDisable
Port Errored Frame Errored Frame Errored Frame
Window LowThreshold HighThreshold
(100 msec) Count Action Count Action
----- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
1/1 300 1 None 10 Warning
3/5 65535 1 Warning 1000 ErrDisable
4/6 1000 1 Warning 1 ErrDisable
Port ErrFrame Period ErrFrame Period ErrFrame Period
Window LowThreshold HighThreshold
Count Action Count Action
----- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
1/1 10000 1 None 10 Warning
3/5 1294967000 1 Warning 1000 ErrDisable
4/6 200 1 Warning 1 ErrDisable
Port LinkFaultAction DyingGaspAction CriticalEventAction
----- ----------------- --------------- -------------------
1/1 ErrDisable Warning Error-Block
3/5 None Warning None
4/6 ErrDisable None None
Console> (enable)
Display the OAM configuration and status for all
OAM ports or on the specified OAM ports.
show port ethernet-oam