Distillation Process Analyzer DPA-4.5
For special work, wear
When you are performing special tasks, special personal protective
equipment is required. This equipment is referred to specifically in
the individual chapters of this operating manual. These special
items of safety equipment are described below:
Respiratory protection, depending on air recirculation
Protect against hazardous gases, vapors, dusts and similar
materials and media.
If a permissible limit value is exceeded by a factor of 100, self-
contained respiratory protection apparatus must be used.
Respiratory protection may only be used when there is an oxygen
content of at least 17% in the air.
Safety goggles
Protect the eyes from flying objects and sprayed liquids.
Safety gloves (hazardous substances)
Protect hands against contact with hazardous toxic substances.
The glove material must be sufficiently durable and impermeable to
the substance in use. Gloves made of fabric or leather are not
Before using, check for holes or leaks.
Clean before removal.
Safety gloves (hot surfaces)
Protect hands against contact with hot surfaces.
December 2013