C613-50186-01 Rev B
Command Reference for AR2050V
AlliedWare Plus™ Operating System - Version 5.4.7-1.x
™ (AMF) C
Example 2
To display the AMF links statistics on interface port1.0.5, use the command:
show atmf links statistics interface
Transmit Fails 0 1
Discards 0 0
Total ATMF Packets 2788 2837
ATMF Database Statistics:
Database Entries 18
Database Full Ages 0
ATMF Virtual Link Statistics:
Virtual Receive Transmit
link Receive Dropped Transmit Dropped
vlink2000 393 0 417 0
ATMF Packet Discards:
Type0 0 : Gateway hello msg received from unexpected neighbor
Type1 0 : Stack hello msg received from unexpected neighbor
Type2 0 : Discard TX update bitmap packet - bad checksum
Type3 0 : Discard TX update packet - neighbor not in correct state
Type4 0 : Discard update packet - bad checksum or type
Type5 0 : Discard update packet - neighbor not in correct state
Type6 0 : Discard update bitmap packet - bad checksum or type
Type7 0 : Incarnation is not possible with the data received
Type8 0 : Discard crosslink hello received - not correct state
Type9 0 : Discard crosslink domain hello received on non crosslink
Type10 0 : Discard crosslink domain hello - not in correct state
Type11 0 : Crosslink uplink hello received on non crosslink port
Type12 0 : Discard crosslink uplink hello - not in correct state
Type13 0 : Wrong network-name for this ATMF
Type14 0 : Packet received on port is too long
Type15 0 : Bad protocol version, received on port
Type16 0 : Bad packet checksum calculation
Type17 0 : Bad authentication type
Type18 0 : Bad simple password
Type19 0 : Unsupported authentication type
Type20 0 : Discard packet - unknown neighbor
Type21 0 : Discard packet - port is shutdown
Type22 0 : Non broadcast hello msg received from unexpected neighbor
Type23 0 : Arealink hello msg received on non arealink port
Type24 0 : Discard arealink hello packet - not in correct state
Type25 0 : Discard arealink hello packet - failed basic processing
Type26 0 : Discard unicast packet - MAC address does not match node
Type27 0 : AMF Master license node limit exceeded
Table 48:
Sample output from the
show atmf links statistics
command (cont.)