g) Models 247 A to 472 A/500-600 V and 225 A to 428 A/660-690 V
Figure 3.11 a) to g)
- Location of jumper to disconnect the varistor and capacitor between input phase and ground -
necessary only in models when IT network is used
For IT networks
remove the jumper
a) Models 180 A to 240 A/380-480 V
b) Models 312 A to 600 A/380-480 V
J8 jumper position:
X11 - Grounded network
X9 - IT network
c) Models 2.9 A to 14 A/500-600 V
d) Models 22 A to 32 A/500-600 V
e) Models 44 A to 79 A/500-600 V
f) Models 107 A to 211 A/500-600 V and 100 A to 179 A/660-690 V
For IT networks
remove the jumper
For IT networks
remove the jumper
For IT networks
remove the jumper
For IT networks
remove the jumper
For IT networks
remove the jumper