PRISM MPI2-25 and MPX2-25 Media Analysis Platform User Manual
Ancilliary (ANC) Data Session
The ANC Data Session application allows you to examine all the ancillary data
present in a signal. The instrument continually monitors the signal and tells you
when changes in the presence of data occur. The ANC Session displays the
presence and status of all ANC data present.
PRISM monitors the first 4 links of the 8 logical SDI links in Quad Link 3G
LB and Quad Link 12G.
Figure 185: ANC Session
Elements of the ANC
Session application
: Data identifier of the packet; permissible values range from 1 to
0xFF (255) inclusive.
: Secondary data identifier of the packet; permissible values range
from 0 through 0xFF (255) inclusive.
: Notes the last time a packet occurred.
Virtual link or stream the ANC data is present on.
: The transport line number the ANC data is present on.