After reaching this number of opening operations or after about 4
weeks, SmartHandle automatically switches to freeze mode. Once at
this warning level, SmartHandle can now only be activated using a
SimonsVoss programming device or using a battery replacement card.
12.5 Emergency battery storage mode (G1)
G1 SmartHandle automatically switches to emergency battery storage
mode if Battery Warning Levels 1 and 2 have not been observed or the
locking system administrator has not been informed of battery warning.
User transponders can no longer activate a G1 SmartHandle to prevent the
battery from being fully discharged in this status.
A G1 SmartHandle should never enter this mode as the batteries must be
replaced at an early stage, i.e. when Battery Warning Level 1 is reached!
The system administrator is required to open the door or replace batteries
(see Battery Replacement section for further details). If the door is locked,
the administrator will need to carry out the following steps; if the door is
open or the battery side is accessible, there is no need to complete these
Re-programme SmartHandle (this deactivates storage mode)
Use an authorised transponder to engage the locking cylinder and open
the door (the lock will automatically switch to storage mode again)
Replace the batteries
Re-programme SmartHandle (to deactivate storage mode
After the door is opened, Battery Warning Level 2 is emitted one more time
and then the lock is available again as normal.
12.6 Procedure for freeze mode (G1)
The SmartHandle 3062 automatically switches to freeze mode if Battery
Warning Levels 1 and 2 have been ignored or the locking system
administrator has not been informed of battery warning. User ID media can
then no longer activate the SmartHandle 3062 to prevent the battery from
being fully discharged in this status.
12. Battery warning (manual)
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