Advanced commissioning
7.1 Overview of the inverter functions
SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 converter
Operating Instructions, 04/2018, FW V4.7 SP10, A5E34257324B AF
Safety functions
The safety functions fulfill increased requirements regarding the functional safety of the
Safe Torque Off (STO) safety function (Page 117)
Setpoints and setpoint processing
The setpoint normally defines the motor speed.
The setpoint processing uses a ramp-function generator to prevent speed steps occurring
and to limit the speed to a permissible maximum value.
Setpoint calculation (Page 138)
Technology controller
The technology controller controls process variables, e.g. pressure, temperature, level or
flow. The motor control receives the setpoint either from the higher-level control or from the
technology controller.
PID technology controller (Page 145)
Motor control
The motor closed-loop control ensures that the motor follows the speed setpoint. You can
choose between various control modes.
Motor control (Page 150)
The inverter has various methods to electrically brake the motor. During electrical braking,
the motor develops a torque that reduces the speed to standstill.
Braking the motor electrically (Page 167)
Protection of the drive and the driven load
The protection functions prevent damage to the motor, inverter and driven load.
Overcurrent protection (Page 172)
Inverter protection using temperature monitoring (Page 173)
Motor temperature monitoring using a temperature sensor (Page 176)
Motor protection by calculating the temperature (Page 180)
The monitoring of the driven load prevents impermissible operating modes, e.g. dry-running
of a pump.
Breakdown protection (Page 182)