Advanced commissioning
7.18 Efficiency optimization
SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 converter
Operating Instructions, 04/2018, FW V4.7 SP10, A5E34257324B AF
The inverter has two different methods of optimizing the efficiency.
Efficiency optimization, method 2
Generally, energy efficiency optimization method 2 achieves a better efficiency than
method 1.
We recommend that you set method 2.
Figure 7-40 Determining the optimum flux from the motor thermal model
Based on its thermal motor model, the inverter continually determines - for the actual
operating point of the motor - the interdependency between efficiency and flux. The inverter
then sets the flux to achieve the optimum efficiency.
Figure 7-41 Qualitative result of efficiency optimization, method 2
Depending on the motor operating point, the inverter either decreases or increases the flux
in partial load operation of the motor.