Advanced commissioning
7.7 Safe Torque Off (STO) safety function
SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 converter
Operating Instructions, 04/2018, FW V4.7 SP10, A5E34257324B AF
Documentation of the inverter
The following must be documented for the inverter:
The results of the acceptance test.
The settings of the integrated drive safety functions.
The STARTER commissioning tool logs the settings of the integrated drive functions, if
Documents for acceptance (Page 128)
The documentation must be signed.
Who may perform the acceptance test of the inverter?
Personnel from the machine manufacturer, who, on account of their technical qualifications
and knowledge of the safety functions, are in a position to perform the acceptance test in the
correct manner are authorized to perform the acceptance testing of the inverter.
Reduced acceptance test
After a component has been replaced or the firmware updated, a reduced acceptance test of
the safety functions must be performed.
Reduced acceptance test
Acceptance test
Replacing the inverter with an
identical type
Only check the direction of
rotation of the motor.
Supplement the inverter data
Log the new checksums
Supplement the hardware
version in the inverter data.
Replacing the motor with an iden-
tical pole pair number
No change.
Replace the gearbox with an iden-
tical ratio
Replacing safety-related I/O de-
vices (e.g. Emergency Stop
Only check the control of the
safety functions affected by
the components that have
been replaced.
No change.
Inverter firmware update.
Supplement firmware version
in the inverter data
Log the new checksums