ftp: 2335694 bytes sent in 8.08Seconds 289.14Kbytes/sec.
ftp> bye
221 Quit.
Creating . . .
Check to insure that the printer data LED flashing is terminated,
and reboot the main unit.
To continue, press any key . . .
After checking the printer ready LED, press any key.
(Since the network initialization may not have been completed
immediately after lighting the LED, FTP connection may be failed.
In such a case, wait for 10sec after lighting the LED and continue
the process.)
To continue, press any key . . .
Step 2: Install the font data.
Connected to
220 Sharp AR-NC5J Ver 01.01.01 FTP server.
331 Password required.
230 User Logged in.
Anonymous login succeeded for [email protected].
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> put data\MoGothW3.CID
200 PORT command Ok.
150 Open data connection.
226 Data connection closed.
ftp: 2849552 bytes sent in 9.02Seconds 316.06Kbytes/sec.
ftp> put data\MoGothW4.CID
200 PORT command Ok.
150 Open data connection.
226 Data connection closed.
ftp: 2797264 bytes sent in 16.84Seconds 166.07Kbytes/sec.
ftp> put data\MoMaruW2.CID
200 PORT command Ok.
150 Open data connection.
226 Data connection closed.
ftp: 3524325 bytes sent in 18.14Seconds 194.27Kbytes/sec.
ftp> put data\MoMincW2.CID
200 PORT command Ok.
150 Open data connection.
226 Data connection closed.
ftp: 3581348 bytes sent in 18.73Seconds 191.16Kbytes/sec.
ftp> put data\MoMincW3.CID
200 PORT command Ok.
150 Open data connection.
226 Data connection closed.
ftp: 3225832 bytes sent in 17.67Seconds 182.55Kbytes/sec.
ftp> bye
221 Quit.
Check to insure that the printer data LED flashing is terminated,
and reboot the main unit.
When the machine is rebooted, installation of the font data is com-
Print the PS fonts list to check to insure that installation is com-
pleted properly.
6) Reboot the main unit and print the PS fonts list to check to
insure that the added fonts are registered.
c. Font uninstallation procedure
1) Open the DOS prompt.
2) Shift to the PS font directory in the CD-ROM.
> d:
> cd cidfont
(Note) The PS font data are stored in a hidden folder on the root
directory of the PS driver CD-ROM. If the hidden folder set-
ting is valid, the hidden folder is not displayed on the DOS
prompt. To display it, disable the hidden folder setting.
Installation can be executed regardless of the above folder
display. To disable the hidden folder setting, however, per-
form the following procedures.
(Right-click the "cidfont" folder in the CD-ROM to open the
property. Click the general menu tab, and uncheck the hid-
den file check box.)
3) Execute the PS font install command. (Put "9" to the end of the
uninstall command.)
a) In the case of LAN connection (When the printer IP
address is
> install 1 9 ENTER KEY
> install 2 9 ENTER KEY
4) Execute the procedures according to the display.
(Execute the underlined procedures.)
D:\arpk4\cidfont>install 1 9
Delete the font directory in the hard disk.
To continue, press any key . . .
Connected to
220 Sharp AR-NC5J Ver 01.01.01 FTP server.
331 Password required.
230 User Logged in.
Anonymous login succeeded for [email protected].
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> put
200 PORT command Ok.
150 Open data connection.
226 Data connection closed.
ftp: 1210 bytes sent in 0.02Seconds 75.63Kbytes/sec.
ftp> bye
221 Quit.
Deleting . . .
Check to insure that the printer data LED flashing is terminated,
and reboot the main unit.
When the main unit is rebooted, the font data delete process is
5) After rebooting the main unit, print the PS fonts list to check to
insure that the PS fonts have been uninstalled.
E. PS printer utility software installation
1) Referring to the AR-PK4 printer driver install guide, install the
PS printer driver to the PC.
2) Check to insure that the PC can print in the PS mode by using
the PS driver.