Manual mode
Operating Instructions – CMP ELVCD
[4] [Enable] button
Automatic start-up of the ELVCD drive after changing the enable.
Severe or fatal injuries.
Ensure that an automatic start-up is not a danger to people and equipment.
Use this button to set the drive enable. The hardware enable must also be present. If
a brake is present, it is released.
If you have entered a value of 0 in the "Setpoint speed" edit box or not assigned a dir-
ection specification using the [Right] and [Left] buttons, the drive goes into position
control. Otherwise the drive is accelerated.
If you remove the enable, the drive is braked at the rapid stop ramp.
[5] [Right] button
This button is used to assign direction specification "Right".
[6] [Left] button
This button is used to assign direction specification "Left".
[7] [Reset] button
Automatic start-up of the ELVCD drive after acknowledging an active
fault. Severe or fatal injuries.
Ensure that an automatic start-up is not a danger to people and equipment.
All active faults with the exception of certain STO fault messages are acknowledged
by pressing this button. These can only be acknowledged by restarting the drive. If the
enable and setpoints ≠ 0 are still present after acknowledging the fault, the drive at-
tempts to follow the setpoint.
[8] "Velocity" display field
The display field shows the speed actual value in user units. Updating takes place
[9] "Position" display field
The display field shows the position actual value in user units. Updating takes place
[10] "Current" display field
The display field shows the motor current actual value in percentage of the nominal
motor current. Updating takes place cyclically.
[11] "Fault in program module" status display
Red: Fault in the processing of a program module. To display the fault code and other
information, move the mouse pointer over the fault display. An overview of the fault
codes can be found in section "Fault list" (→
Gray: There is no fault.
[12] "Powered" status display
Green: The axis is enabled and supplied with current. If a brake is present, it is re-
Gray: The axis is not enabled and not supplied with current. If a brake is present, it is
22759468/EN – 11/2017