Parameter description
Operating Instructions – CMP ELVCD
Parameter 202.0
Speed controller time constant
This parameter defines the time constant of the speed controller.
Parameter 203.0
Speed controller filter time
This parameter defines the filter time of the fed back actual speed.
Parameter 210.0
Position controller gain
This parameter defines the gain factor of the position controller.
Parameter 211.0
Position controller corrective speed
This parameter defines the value that is added to the setpoint speed in case of a devi-
ation between setpoint and actual position.
Parameter 212.0
Position controller dead zone position difference
This parameter defines the area where the position controller is not active.
Parameter 290.0
Current controller gain
This parameter defines the gain factor of the current controller.
Parameter 291.0
Current controller time constant
This parameter defines the time constant of the current controller.
Motor parameters
Parameter 302.0
Maximum speed
This parameter defines the maximum speed n
of the position controller.
The drive does not exceed this speed value even with a setpoint input that is greater
than the maximum speed.
Parameter 303.0
Maximum current
This parameter specifies the maximum current in case of overload.
Parameter 305.0
t-time constant
This parameter defines the time constant for the motor protection model.
22759468/EN – 11/2017