Signal Generator Settings
User Manual 1176.8674.02 ─ 07
Any R&S
NRP sensor that supports the USB legacy protocol and is connected to one
of the USB interfaces, is detected automatically and added to the list. Vice versa, the
SGT removes a sensor from the list, when it is disconnected.
NRP sensors that are connected via LAN or use the USBTMC protocol are not
automatically detected. They are detected by the scan search function.
NRP Sensor Mapping Settings
► Select "Instrument > RF > NRP Sensor Mapping".
The dialog lists all detected R&S
NRP sensors for selection and mapping. You can
also browse the network for sensors.
The detected sensors are characterized by the used protocol and the correspond-
ing icon. In the "Mapping" column, you can assign the sensor to one of the availa-
ble sensor channels. The list can contain several entries but the R&S
SGT can
only use up to four sensors simultaneously.
The remote commands required to define these settings are described in
ter 11.13, "SENSe, READ, INITiate and SLISt Subsystems"
Sensor Mapping List
Displays a list of all sensor entries with information on the sensor name, the used pro-
tocol, the connector and the assigned mapping.
If a sensor is connected via LAN or uses the USBTMC protocol, its protocol is indica-
ted as "Visa".
Remote command:
RF Settings