Understanding the R&S SGMA-GUI Software
User Manual 1176.8674.02 ─ 07
In the following example we assume that a remote PC with installed R&S SGMA-GUI
on it is connected to a LAN and that the remote PC and the instruments are switched
For more information, refer to section "Connecting an External PC and Devices" in the
Getting Started manual.
For more information, refer to
Chapter 2.3, "Connecting an External PC and Devices"
// ******************************************************************
// Trigger the scan function to search for instruments connected
// to the remote computer via all of the available interfaces.
// ******************************************************************
:INSTruments:SCAN:HNPRefix "rssg"
// scan returns only instruments with hostname beginning with "rssg"
:INSTruments:SCAN 1
// ******************************************************************
// Query the number of available instruments and the settings of each
// configured instrument: instrument type, symbolic name,
// remote channel used, serial number, hostname/IP address
// Adjust settings if required
// ******************************************************************
// Response: 3
// Response: SGU,SGS,SGT
// Response: SGU-100002,SGS-100006, SGT-100008
// Response: 100002,100006,100008
// Response: LAN,USB, PCIe
// Response: rssgu100a100002, rssgs100a100006, rssgt100a100008
// ******************************************************************
// Check the instrument state and activate instruments if required
// ******************************************************************
// Response: 0,1,1
Remote Control of the R&S SGMA-GUI