Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
Using the Installation Verification Test
Scalar i500 User’s Guide
Using the Installation Verification Test
Administrative users may run the Installation Verification Test (IVT)
following a library service action to determine if the library is ready for
production use. Examples of such library service actions include
installing a new library or replacing a FRU or CRU.
A new IVT Log is created each time you run IVT. The log reports detailed
information about library readiness and indicates where specific
marginal conditions and failures are located in the library subsystems if
there are any.
The full IVT is divided into five subtests. You may choose to run only
certain subtests depending on the amount of time available and your area
of interest. The full IVT may take up to five and one-half hours to
complete for a maximum configured library that includes five modules,
five I/E stations and 18 drives.
• The
test evaluates the basic functionality of the library robotics
assembly, including the picker assembly and the Y-carriage
assembly, the barcode scanner and the calibration sensors. Time
required to complete the Robot test is five minutes.
• The
test assesses the control and expansion module
configuration and alignment.Time required to complete the Frame
test is three minutes per module.
IVT is optimized for library firmware versions 520G and above
and libraries built after July 1, 2008 (serial numbers with last
four digits 8602 and above).
• If your library was built on or before July 1, 2008, and you
are running firmware version 520G or above, you will not
be able to run the IVT test, even though the selection is
• If your library was built on or before July 1, 2008, and you
are running firmware version 500G or below, you can run
the test, but it is not recommended because it may produce
erroneous results.