CPM1/CPM1A Interrupt Functions
If C is set to 000, then comparisons will be made by the target matching
method; if 001, then they will be made by the range comparison method.
The comparison table will be saved, and, when the save operation is com-
plete, then comparisons will begin. While comparisons are being executed,
high-speed interrupts will be executed according to the comparison table.
For details on the contents of the comparison tables that are saved, refer to
the explanation of the CTBL(63) instruction in
Section 7 Instruction Set
The comparison results are normally stored in AR 1100 through
AR 1107 while the range comparison is being executed.
If C is set to 002, then comparisons will be made by the target matching
method; if 003, then they will be made by the range comparison method. For
either of these settings, the comparison table will be saved, but compari-
sons will not begin, and the INI(61) instruction must be used to begin com-
2. To stop comparisons, execute the INI(61) instruction as shown below.
To start comparisons again, set the second operand to “000” (execute com-
parison), and execute the INI(61) instruction.
Once a table has been saved, it will be retained in the CPM1/CPM1A during
operation (i.e., during program execution) as long as no other table is saved.
Reading the PV
There are two ways to read the PV. The first is to read it from SR 248 and
SR 249, and the second to use the PRV(62) instruction.
Reading SR 248 and SR 249
The PV of high-speed counter is stored in SR 248 and SR 249 as shown below.
The leftmost bit will be F for negative values.
Leftmost 4 digits
Rightmost 4 digits
Up/Down Mode
Incrementing Mode
SR 249
SR 248
F0032767 to 00032767
00000000 to 00065535
1. These words are refreshed only once every cycle, so there may be a differ-
ence from the actual PV.
2. When high-speed counter is not being used, the bits in these words can be
used as work bits.
Using the PRV(62) Instruction
Read the PV of the high-speed counter by using the PRV(62) instruction.
P1: Leading word of PV
The PV of the high-speed counter is stored as shown below. The leftmost bit will
be F for negative values.
Leftmost 4 digits
Rightmost 4 digits
Up/Down Mode
Incrementing Mode
F0032767 to 00032767
00000000 to 00065535