CPM2A/CPM2C Communications Functions
The CPM2A’s communications are controlled by the communications switch on
the front of the CPU Unit and the CPM2C’s communications are controlled by
the DIP switch on the front of the CPU Unit.
CPM2A Communications Switch Setting
When the communications switch is set to OFF, communications through the pe-
ripheral port and RS-232C port are governed by the settings in the PC Setup.
When the communications switch is set to ON, communications through the pe-
ripheral port and RS-232C port are governed by the standard Host Link settings
(1 start bit, 7 data bits, 2 stop bits, even parity, and 9,600 bps baud rate).
When a Programming Console is connected to the peripheral port, communica-
tions with the Programming Console are unaffected by either the communica-
tions switch or PC Setup.
Communications switch
Peripheral port
RS-232C port
An RS-232C Adapter is needed to perform Host Link communications from a
peripheral port.
Communications Switch