11-8 DICOM
11.2 Verify
If you want to verify connectivity (it is not a must-do operation), you can click [Verify] button on
Storage, Print, Worklist, MPPS, Storage Commitment, and Query/Retrieve
pages respectively.
If the verification succeeded, the system prompts “xxx Verify Succeed”. Otherwise, it prompts “xxx
Verify Failed”.
If verification failed, the possible causes may be:
The ultrasound machine can’t communicate normally with the server. Please check if the
cable is properly connected; or,
Check if the IP of the server is configured in the same segment with that of the ultrasound
machine; or,
Check if the network adapter, the router, the exchanger or the HUB are normally working.
The server does not support the verification. If the connection is normal, it can be
concluded that the server does not support the verification.
The server supports the verification, but this function is not activated. Please check if the
verification function is activated.
Not all the SCPs can support verification; please consult SCP belongings to confirm whether SCP
can support this service. If not, the verification won’t pass.
11.3 DICOM
If you completed all DICOM presets on DICOM Service Preset screen. Now you are ready for
Storage, Print, Worklist, MPPS, Storage Commitment, and Query/Retrieve applications.
11.3.1 DICOM
DICOM Storage is used to send image (s) to DICOM storage server for storage.
Send image on iStation/Review/main screens
(1) Select image (s)
Press <iStation> on the control panel to open the iStation screen, click to select a patient
or an exam record in the list, thumbnails are displayed in the thumbnail area in the lower
part of the screen, then click to select a thumbnail or several thumbnails. Or,
Press <Review> on the control panel to enter the Review screen, click to select a
thumbnail or several thumbnails. Or,
On the main screen, select a thumbnail or several thumbnails.
(2) Click at the upper right part of the image to pop up the following dialogue box.