DICOM 11-11
b) Click [Print] to open the Print page.
c) Select a Print server in the Service List and click [Default]; you can see “Y” is marked
in the Default column.
d) Click [Exit] to exit the page and return to Setup menu, then click [Save] on the Setup
menu to make the preset to take effect.
(3) When finished the presets, you can perform image scanning, each time you press <End
Exam> on the control panel, the system will send the image to the default DICOM print
server for printing.
11.3.3 DICOM
After successfully connected DICOM Worklist server with ultrasound system, you can query patient
records from Worklist server, and then import the desired information to your system.
To query patient information via Worklist server
(1) Press the < Patient > key to open the Patient Info screen.
(2) Click [Worklist] to enter the Worklist page.
(3) Query patient information:
a) Set query criteria among Patient ID, Patient Name, Accession #, Search Key,
Scheduled Station AE Title, Worklist Server or Exam Date. The default exam date is
the current date.
b) Click [Query].
c) The scheduled patients, which meet the criteria, are displayed in the lower part of the
d) After you finished the first query, you can perform the second query basing on the
previous results. The scheduled patients in the list will update in real time.