11-12 DICOM
(4) Select the desired patient record in the displayed patient list:
a) Select the desired patient and click [Start Exam], the patient information is imported
into the system and then an exam is started.
b) Click [Transfer], the patient information is imported into the [Patient Info] screen. After
you edited the patient information in the Patient Info screen, select [OK] to start a new
(5) To show patient information in details:
a) Click to select a patient record.
b) Click [Show Detail] button to view the detailed patient information and properties.
To automatically query via Worklist server
(1) Enter DICOM Service Preset screen, click [Worklist] page tab to open Worklist page.
(2) Select an item in the service list and click [Default] to set it as default.
(3) Click [Exit] in the screen and click [Save] in the Setup menu.
(4) Press <Patient> key on the control panel to open Patient Info screen.
(5) Click [Worklist] button to open Worklist screen.
(6) The system automatically queries intraday patients via Worklist server and the patient
records will appear in the list.
In the off-line status, you can:
Perform the second query; or,
Click [Show Detail] button in the Worklist screen to view the detailed patient information.
11.3.4 MPPS
MPPS is used to send exam state information to the configured server. This will facilitate the other
systems to obtain the exam progress in time.
The status information is described as below:
When you begin an exam or send image(s) during the exam, the system sends status
information “Active” to MPPS server.
When the exam is completed, the system sends status information “End” to MPPS server.
When a paused exam is continued, the system sends status information “Active” to MPPS
When an exam is cancelled, the system sends status information “Cancelled” to MPPS
11.3.5 Storage
Storage commitment is used to confirm whether the images or structured reports are successfully
stored to the DICOM storage server.
Before storage commitment, you should set the default storage commitment server.
Storage commitment after sending images on iStation screen.
(1) Open iStation screen.
(2) Select an exam (a suspended exam or an exam not active) (image (s) is/are stored in the
exam record), click [Send Exam] button in the popped up menu to open the Send To
dialogue box.
(3) Click to select “DICOM” in the Target box on the left side, and then select the DICOM
storage server in the Storage Server box on the right side.
(4) Click [OK] to start the sending. The system will send all the images stored in the exam
record to the storage server, meanwhile, it will send storage commitment to storage
commitment server.