Mounting the protective cap for the universal shaft
........................................................................ 82
Mounting the universal shaft at the machine ...... 83
Mounting Transport Tensioning Device ............ 122
Moving Blade Retaining Shaft .......................... 249
Moving Parking Support into Support Position . 119
Net and chamber film wrapping ........................ 161
Functionality .................................................. 161
Locking/releasing the clamping lever ............ 186
Net wrapping
Functionality .................................................. 157
Net Wrapping .................................................... 157
Oil Level Check and Oil Change on the
Gearboxes .................................................... 233
Operating Machine Functions ............................. 93
Operation .......................................................... 123
Operational Readiness ....................................... 92
Operational safety: Technically perfect condition
........................................................................ 17
Overload protection .......................................... 133
Parking Brake ..................................................... 49
Parking Support .................................................. 51
Parking the machine safely ................................ 23
Personal protective equipment ........................... 21
Pick-up .............................................................. 134
Adjusting the bearing pressure relief ............ 136
Pick-up drive belt tension.................................. 240
Placing in Storage ............................................. 277
Position and meaning of the safety stickers on the
machine .......................................................... 31
Position of the Sensors ..................................... 215
Preparations for road travel .............................. 116
Preparing the machine for transportation ......... 120
securing the twine box flap ........................... 121
Preparing the wrapping material brake ............... 87
Prior to working on the hydraulic system .......... 265
PTO shaft ............................................................ 82
Purpose of Use ................................................... 14
Putting Wheel Chocks Underneath .................. 118
Reduce the Pressure on the Side Walls of the
Bale Chamber ............................................... 126
Removing insulating tape from the brake disc . 280
Removing paint and welding residues before
commissioning with chamber film wrapping . 222
Remowing the Crop Blockages in the Crop
Collection Area ............................................. 175
Re-Ordering Safety Labels and Information Labels
....................................................................... 48
Re-Ordering this Document ................................. 9
Replacing the hydraulic oil filter ....................... 267
Reversing device ............................................. 179
Roller drive - drive belt tension ........................ 243
Safely checking the oil level and changing the oil
and filter element ........................................... 29
Safety ................................................................. 14
Safety Equipment ............................................... 49
Safety routines ................................................... 28
Safety signs on the machine .............................. 22
Safety stickers on the machine .......................... 31
Scope of Document ........................................... 10
Securing the side hoods .................................. 121
Securing the twine box flap .............................. 121
Sensor Test Analogue ..................................... 100
Sensor Test Digital ............................................. 99
setting ........................................................... 221
Service life of the machine ................................. 14
Set Baling Pressure ......................................... 146
Setting Bale Diameter ...................................... 143
Setting Brake Linkage ...................................... 227
Setting of the baling pressure display (Medium
electronic system) ........................................ 148
Setting Scraper to Spiral Roller ....................... 210
Setting tailgate catch (Medium electronic system)
..................................................................... 149
Setting Tailgate Lock ....................................... 214
Setting the axial play at the brake disc of the
wrapping material brake............................... 221
Setting the brake force release during the feeding
process ........................................................ 182
Setting the crop press roller unit ...................... 137
Setting the density of the bale core ................. 171
Setting the double rocker arm .......................... 172
Setting the magnetic transmission ................... 199
Setting the Number of Net Layers ................... 160
Setting the number of net or film layers ........... 167
Setting the Number of Twine Layers ............... 155
Setting the stone deflector ............................... 213
Setting the Twine Brake ................................... 197
Setting the tying twine in place ........................ 152
Setting the wrapping material brake ........ 183, 184
Settings ............................................................ 181