Pos: 48.112.8 /Ü berschriften/Z wischenüberschriften/A- E/Doppelschwi nge einstellen_Ball enker n @ 468\mod_1469601218962_78.docx @ 3154872 @ @ 1
Setting the double rocker arm
Pos: 48.112.9 /BA/Bedi enung /R undball enpresse/Di chte des Ball enker ns einstell en_C ompri ma V_CV_+X- treme/D oppelschwi nge einstellen_bild_Compri ma V @ 467\mod_1469105051239_78.docx @ 3151252 @ @ 1
Fig. 144
Sample illustration (Comprima V 180)
Pos: 48.112.10 /BA/Bedienung /Rundballenpr esse/Weichkern anpassen_Comprima V_CV_+X-tr eme/Doppelschwing e einstell en_text @ 467\mod_1469018850269_78.docx @ 3150044 @ @ 1
If the lower stop of the double rocker arm (4) is set, the compression path is reduced or
extended and the bale core becomes harder or softer.
On the right and left sides of the machine:
• Unscrew the screw (5).
• Move the stop (6) to the right or left by one borehole into the next position (I), (II) or (III).
The 3 positions are explained in more detail below.
• Mount the screw (5).
• Ensure that the stop (6) is set the same on the right and left machine side.
Pos: 48.112.11 /BA/Bedienung /Rundballenpr esse/Dichte des Ballenkerns ei nst ellen_Comprima V_C V_+X-tr eme/Positi onen Ballenkern_ei nlei tung-text_C ompri ma V @ 467\mod_1469104528217_78.docx @ 3151221 @ @ 1
To alter the density of the bale core, you can set the following positions. For example, the
Comprima V 180 is shown.
Pos: 48.112.12 /BA/Bedienung /Rundballenpr esse/Dichte des Ballenkerns ei nstellen_Comprima V_C V_+X-tr eme/Positi onen Ballenkern_bil der+text_C ompri ma V_C V @ 467\mod_1469021016512_78.docx @ 3150267 @ @ 1
Fig. 145
Position I of the screw
High bale core density
1 notch at the top (1)