Pos: 50.5.1 /Überschriften/Überschriften 2/A-E/BBremskr aftentl astung beim Zuführen einstellen @ 512\mod_1502892696010_78.docx @ 3508735 @ 3 @ 1
Setting the brake force release during the feeding process
Pos: 50.5.2 /BA/Einstell ung en/Rundballenpr esse/N etz- und Foli enbindung Einstell ung en/Br emskraftentl astung bei m Z uführ en ei nstellen_bild_N etzbindung _Netz- und F olienbi ndung_alle C omprima @ 513\mod_1503474429854_78.docx @ 3529886 @ @ 1
Fig. 153
Pos: 50.5.3 /BA/Einstell ung en/Rundballenpr esse/N etz- und Foli enbindung Einstell ung en/Br emskraftentl astung bei m Z uführ en ei nstellen_ei nl_N etzbindung _Netz- und F olienbi ndung_alle C omprima @ 513\mod_1503475326578_78.docx @ 3529917 @ @ 1
In particular in the chamber film wrapping version, there is the risk that the film will overturn at
the film roll instead of being fed to the round bale. If this happens, the brake force release
during the feeding process should be adjusted.
While the wrapping material is guided to the round bale, the brake force should be reduced so
that the wrapping material can be pulled off more easily from the round bale.
This brake force release during the feeding process can be set at the spring (3) at the right
machine side behind the side hood.
The more the spring (3) is tensioned, the greater the brake force release during the feeding
Pos: 50.5.4 /Überschriften/Z wischenüberschriften/U-Z /Voraussetzung @ 463\mod_1466572209300_78.docx @ 3123726 @ @ 1
Pos: 50.5.5 /BA/Einstell ung en/Rundballenpr esse/N etz- und Foli enbindung Einstell ung en/Zuführschwinge befi ndet sich in Zuführpositi on, si ehe Kapitel_Voraussetzung @ 514\mod_1503655894602_78.docx @ 3532819 @ @ 1
– The feed rocker arm is in feed position, see chapter Terminal, "Menu 10 'Manual
Pos: 50.5.6 /BA/Sicherheit/8. Voraussetzungen/H andlungsanweisung für alle M aschinen/Vor aussetzung: Di e M aschine ist stillgesetzt und gesichert_ohne Z wischenüberschrift Voraussetzung @ 514\mod_1504092581843_78.docx @ 3534668 @ @ 1
– Shut down and safeguard the machine, see chapter Safety, "Shutting down and
safeguarding the machine".
Pos: 50.5.7 /Layout M odule /----------------Leerzeile-------------------- @ 240\mod_1395147357027_0.docx @ 1890988 @ @ 1
Pos: 50.5.8 /BA/Einstell ung en/Rundballenpr esse/N etz- und Foli enbindung Einstell ung en/Br emskraftentl astung bei m Z uführ en ei nstellen_text_Netzbi ndung_N etz- und Foli enbindung_alle Compri ma @ 513\mod_1503475845454_78.docx @ 3529948 @ @ 1
• Check that the disc (2) is located above the spring (3) at the level of the central notch (4).
• To change the tension of the spring (3), loosen or tighten the nut (1).
Notches (4)
Spring tension (3)
Wrapping material during the feed
Pulling the wrapping material requires
much strength.
Pulling the wrapping material requires
medium strength. KRONE recommend
this setting as an optimum brake force
release during the wrapping material
feeding process.
Pulling the wrapping material requires
little strength.
Pos: 50.5.9 /Layout M odule /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1