Pos: 48.44 /Abkürzungen /Abkürzung en spr achneutral/R undballenpr essen/Comprima V 210 XC @ 319\mod_1423817695293_0.docx @ 2467476 @ @ 1
Comprima V 210 XC
Pos: 48.45 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Anl agebl eche/Auswurfbl eche in der H eckklappe monti eren_Tabell e ET-Nummer_C ompri ma V 210 @ 510\mod_1501665136159_78.docx @ 3496745 @ @ 1
Use the following order numbers to order the deflector sheets:
KRONE component
Order number
Deflector sheets 2x
20 067 918 *
Countersunk screw with hexagon
socket 6x
904 045 3
Pos: 48.46 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Anl agebl echeBild Anlag ebl eche montier en CV150- 210 @ 137\mod_1353510846547_78.docx @ 1219153 @ @ 1
Fig. 100
Pos: 48.47 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Anl agebl eche/Text Anl agebleche montieren alle Maschi nen @ 510\mod_1501601365137_78.docx @ 3496140 @ @ 1
If the finished round bales do not fall out of the front bale chamber, two deflector sheets (1) can
be attached to the right and left sides of the machine tailgate.
• Attach the deflector sheets (1) to the inside of the bale chamber by screwing the screws (2)
into the available boreholes.
• If, after mounting the deflector sheets (1), the finished round bales still do not fall out of the
front bale chamber, remove the right and left slide sheets (3) from the machine housing.
Pos: 48.48 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Ballen bindenBallen binden @ 35\mod_1256126963097_78.docx @ 326486 @ 2 @ 1
Wrapping and Depositing Bales
• Start the tying and/or wrapping process (refer to chapter Operation). Continue receiving
crop until the tying or wrapping material from the crop is being moved into the bale chamber
and caught by the round bale. The nominal speed of 540 rpm must be maintained until the
tying process is complete
• Stop the tractor and wait until the twine or net wrapping process is complete.
• Eject round bales by opening the bale chamber. Always open the tailgate completely, since
the cylinders must be completely extended to build up pressure for the floor conveyor
• Always close the bale chamber at idle speed only and start the next baling process.
Pos: 48.49 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbr uch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1