Pos: 14.1 /Überschriften/Überschriften 2/F-J/GGrundlegende Sicher hei tshi nweise @ 186\mod_1380009482364_78.docx @ 1606585 @ 2 @ 1
Basic safety instructions
Pos: 14.2 /BA/Sicher heit/1. Gr undl egende Sicherheitshinweise/Nichtbeachtung der SiHi und WaHi (Ei nführtext Grundl egende SiHi)_fuer all e @ 175\mod_1372834139379_78.docx @ 1504793 @ @ 1
Non-compliance with the safety instructions and warnings
Non-compliance with the safety instructions and warnings may result in injuries and damage to
the environment and property.
Pos: 14.3 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/A-E/B/Bedeutung der Betriebsanl eitung @ 186\mod_1380011391583_78.docx @ 1606670 @ 3 @ 1
Importance of the operating instructions
Pos: 14.4 /BA/Sicher heit/1. Gr undl egende SicherheitshinweiseBedeutung der Betriebsanleitung _fuer alle @ 451 \mod_1462796255723_78.docx @ 3064819 @ @ 1
The operating instructions are an important document and a part of the machine. They are
aimed at the user and contain safety-relevant information.
Only the procedures indicated in the operating instructions are reliable. If the operating
instructions are not observed, people may be seriously injured or killed.
• Before using the machine for the first time, read and follow all the “Basic Safety Instructions”
in the Safety chapter.
• Before working, also read and observe the respective sections in the operating instructions.
• Keep the operating instructions ready to hand for the user of the machine.
• Hand over the operating instructions to subsequent users.
Pos: 14.5 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/P-T/P/Personalqualifi kation des Bedienpersonals @ 510\mod_1501758695126_78.docx @ 3498448 @ 3 @ 1
Personnel qualification of the operating personnel
Pos: 14.6 /BA/Sicher heit/1. Gr undl egende Sicherheitshinweise/Personalqualifi kation_BA_fuer alle @ 176\mod_1372840611484_78.docx @ 1505639 @ @ 1
If the machine is not used properly, people may be seriously injured or killed. To avoid
accidents, each person who works with the machine must satisfy the following minimum
– He is physically capable of controlling the machine.
– He can work safely with the machine in accordance with these operating instructions.
– He understands the method of operation of the machine within the scope of his work and
can identify and avoid the dangers associated with the work.
– He has read the operating instructions and can implement the information in the operating
instructions accordingly.
– He is familiar with driving vehicles safely.
– For road travel he has adequate knowledge of the highway code and has the stipulated
driving licence.
Pos: 14.7 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/P-T/P/Personalqualifi kation des F achpersonals @ 510\mod_1501758760055_78.docx @ 3498479 @ 3 @ 1
Personnel qualification of the technicians
Pos: 14.8 /BA/Sicher heit/1. Gr undl egende Sicherheitshinweise/Personalqualifi kation des F achpersonals_text @ 481\mod_1475574402915_78.docx @ 3241095 @ @ 1
If the work (assembly, conversion, modification, extension, repairs, retrofitting) is performed
improperly on the machine, people may be seriously or fatally injured. To avoid accidents,
everyone who performs work according to these instructions must meet the following minimum
• Qualified professional, with relevant training.
• Capable of assembling the (partially) disassembled machine according to the assembly
instructions provided by the manufacturer.
• Capable of extending, modifying or repairing the function of the machine according to the
relevant instructions provided by the manufacturer.
• Ability to perform the work safely according to these instructions.
• Understands the mode of operation of the work to be performed and the machine and is
able to identify and avoid the hazards associated with the work.
• Has read these instructions and is able to apply the information in these instructions
Pos: 14.9 /Layout M odul e /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1