RP701-10 , RP701-11 , RP701-20 , RP701-21 , RP701-30 , RP701-31 , RP701-40 , RP701-41 , RP701-51
Comfort 1.0_en
Number of film layers (chamber film wrapping,
terminal) ............................................................. 41
Number of net layers (net wrapping, terminal) ... 40
Number of twine layers (twine tying, terminal) ... 42
Operating the hydraulic blade group control system
........................................................................... 32
Possible error types (FMI) .................................. 72
Recurring icons .................................................. 35
Remedying sensor/actuator error ....................... 73
Select type of tying (net wrapping and twine tying,
terminal) ............................................................. 48
Select type of tying selection (net wrapping and
twine tying, terminal) .......................................... 48
Selecting a menu................................................ 36
Selecting a menu Level ...................................... 36
Sensitivity of direction display (terminal) ............ 47
Sensor B13 "Twine guide slide position" ............ 64
Sensor B63 "Twine tying mechanism position" .. 67
Sensor test ......................................................... 59
Setting the cutting position ................................. 65
Setting the feed position ..................................... 65
Setting the tying position .................................... 66
Settings (terminal) .............................................. 58
Software info ...................................................... 70
Status line........................................................... 25
Switching between terminals .............................. 58
Switching terminal on/off ........................ 12, 17, 20
Access a menu level ................................ 36
Actuator test ............................................. 68
Advance signalling ................................... 42
Bale diameter ........................................... 46
Correction of filling ................................... 49
Counter .................................................... 53
Direction display sensitivity ...................... 47
ISOBUS settings ...................................... 57
Manual operation (net and chamber film
wrapping) ................................................. 52
Manual operation (net wrapping and twine
tying) ........................................................ 51
Manual operation (net wrapping) ............. 50
Number of film layers ............................... 41
Number of net layers ................................ 40
Number of twine layers ............................ 42
Select type of tying (net and chamber film
wrapping) ................................................. 48
Select type of tying (net wrapping and twine
tying) ........................................................ 48
Sensor test ............................................... 59
Settings .................................................... 58
Switching between terminals.................... 58
Tying in the menu level ............................ 39
Tying start delay (chamber film wrapping) 46
Tying start delay (net wrapping) ............... 44
Tying start delay (twine tying) .................. 45
Terminal error messages ................................... 71
Terminal machine functions ............................... 25
Terminal menus.................................................. 34
Total counter ...................................................... 56
Touchable display ........................................ 16, 19
Twine tying
Tying start delay ....................................... 45
Tying actuator position
Adjust the sensor ..................................... 64
Tying in the menu level ...................................... 39
Tying start delay (chamber film wrapping, terminal)
........................................................................... 46
Tying start delay (net wrapping, terminal) .......... 44